Teen Tuesday – “Teenagers and Hope” Poem

This is a poem I wrote a few years ago that I read to my high school freshman at the beginning of the school year.  It does a pretty good job of explaining how I feel about teenagers.  Hope you enjoy it.  🙂

Teenagers and Hope

By Dusty Crabtree

“When I say the word ‘teenager’ what’s the first word that comes to your mind?”

“Disrespectful,” grumbles an elderly woman.

“Stubborn!” exclaims a mother.

“Attitude!” shouts a father.

“Unmotivated,” sighs a teacher.

“Lazy,” huffs an employer.

“Mean,” whimpers a child.

“Self-absorbed,” declares a college student.

“And you?  What comes to your mind?”

“Hope,” I say.

“Hope?  What an odd answer.  Explain yourself.”

“When I think of teenagers, I think of hope.  Sure, they may have rough edges that need to be smoothed and behaviors that need to be learned, but they are also passionate, driven, sincere, creative, trusting, optimistic, and hopeful.  They have so much to learn and so much to give.  The possibilities for them and their futures are limitless.  They feel like they can accomplish anything, because they haven’t been told otherwise.  Sadly, we were once that way too.  But since then we’ve listened to the world’s lies about our insignificance and helplessness in changing our world.  We’ve become jaded and complacent, but teenagers have not.  They still believe they can change the world . . . and they can.”

~ by Dusty Crabtree - Author of Shadow Eyes on August 28, 2012.

3 Responses to “Teen Tuesday – “Teenagers and Hope” Poem”

  1. This is beautiful, Dusty. Made me all teary-eyed (:

  2. […] Teen Tuesday – “Teenagers and Hope” Poem. […]

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